
Wind & Rain Bridge


Wind & Rain Bridge is called Fu bridge or Flower bridge, it is an architecture combining bridge, pavilion, corridor and tower, which has high aesthetic  and cultural value. From local people’s perspective, it is not only an important traffic facility, but also the guard of the village.



Village Gate


Village Gate is the architecture existing only in Dong villages. Every road leading to the village has a village gate, which is the symbol of the Dong culture, and also the treasure of Dong architecture.


Yang Lan


Yang Lan drum tower was built in 1787, facing to the south direction. The total area is 242 square meters, in the construction of wood. It is the central site for the local people to watch theatrical performances and tell stories.




Ma Tian


Ma Tian drum tower is located in Matian, Pingtan village of Tongdao, with a history of more than 300 years. Beautiful decorations and exquisite configuration make it elegant and classic.


Ping Tan — the 100-miles Dong Culture Gallery


The “100-miles Dong Culture Gallery” starts from the Zhaishang village, and the central areas lies on Huangdu, Pingtan and Longcheng.  featured by beautiful scenery along the way with rich folk customs. Ping Tan is the museum of Dong architecture art, and also the palace of ecological Dong culture.



Diaojiao Building

As the marked feature of Dong residential buildings, Dong villages are mostly built along the mountain and rivers, forming a beautiful scene of harmony.


Huangdu Dong Cultural Village


Huangdu village, in the center zone of the “100-miles Dong Culture Gallery”, is 10 km away from the county. As a folk scenic spot in 1995, now it is an integrated tourism resort with Dong folk custom, visiting, entertainment, regarded as the National AAA Scenic Area.



Puxiu Bridge was first built in 1815, which was originally a magnificent stone arch bridge but damaged by a flood in 1937 and rebuilt in 1943. Puxiu Bridge is a bridge covered by pure wooden structure, pavilion, gallery. It’s the most representative bridge in “100-miles Dong Culture Gallery”, also one of the 3 Dong architecture treasures. It carries hundred years of vicissitudes and transformation of Dong village, also the good wishes and deep emotion of Dong people .



Heng Ling


Lying north-south, Hengling Bridge is located in Hengling village, Hedi town, Qingyuan county and rebuilt in 1948,. The bridge reaches overall length of 16.70 m, spans 2.7m, and 2.7 m high, 4.50m wide with 7 gallery houses.


The wisdom of Dong people was showed in front of us immediately when we walked in the Hengling drum-tower, which was located in the Hengling, Pingtan village at the southwest of Tongdao Dong Autonomous County, Hunan Province. 


Hengling drum-tower is consist of gate 1, gate 2 and main drum tower which are built in different ages. Hengling drum-tower shows heroism and supremacy among Dong villages, and becomes the symbol of them.


Local people were resting in the Hengling Bridge and Drum-tower, chatting and relaxing. This image is called “Harmony and symbiosis”.


Drum Tower

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There are three national treasures in Dong Minority: drum tower, flower bridge and great song, in which the drum tower is the symbol of Dong villages. The culture of Dong has close relationships with drum towers, because all the major activities are held in drum towers, making the carrier and essence of Dong culture. Thus called drum tower culture.


Drum Tower, also called as ‘the cool court’, is the symbol of Dong culture and a unique identity of Dong village.



Beauty of Handwork


The video of the Beauty of Handwork aims to show the handwork in Tongdao, which have been listed into the World Intangible Cultural Heritage: Lu Sheng, silver worker, brocade, spinning, paper cutting and so on, to draw people’s attention to protect cultural heritages.