
 2016年的“新通道-侗心乐坊”工作坊进行到第八天,各小组的设计接近尾声。大家开始整理资料、完善细节、发掘设计背后的人文故事。屏幕快照 2016-08-24 上午11.26.35


0723by吴永萌 (1)


0723by吴永萌 (5)




同学们在炎热的夏日紧张的工作着,争取为29日将在长沙岳麓书院举行的展示实现最好的设计。lucky flower by Alessia0717 (2) 

Music box workshop is coming to the end, students are busy working on the prototypes, some teams started evaluation with local villagers and tourists.

Vic and Meng collected the materials and started the final design with villagers in Pingri Village. They recorded the interview and decided to use the stories of Lucky Box as sound elements.

Lucia, Tina and Chris visited Huangdu with their design and did some interview and test with tourist in order to get more feedback on the graphic design and interaction design.

Alessia settled down the music and started to make the music box more robust.

The final presentation will be at Yuelu Academy on 29th, students are working hard to present their best work for it.