/ technology
一月 , 13th , 2010 -- 4 : 01 下午刊登期刊:《包装工程》
出版时间: 2010 年 第 02 期(Page 87-90)
刊号: CN 50-1094/ TB
作者:易幸幸 Yi Xingxing / 季铁 Ji Tie
关键词:屏幕显示, 显示技术, 文字设计
HNU’S School of Design and Nokia NRC jointly held a Interaction Design Workshop
十二月 , 14th , 2009 -- 3 : 14 下午On November 25th, 2009, the School of Design of Hunan University and Nokia Beijing Research Center jointly held a week-long Interaction Design Workshop which proved to be a great success.
This workshop is part of the Interaction Design Module for undergraduates, which aims to take the advantage of practical subject-cultivation method in the specific professional area to promote the students’ comprehensive capability, including their design fundamental knowledge and design software skills. The students took the practical design and research projects of Nokia’s Beijing Research Center as research subjects. Teachers from the School of Design together with designers and researchers of Nokia’s Beijing Research Center gave precious guidance and suggestions to students’ works. Thanks to this workshop, students gained more profound knowledge about interaction design and accumulated great experiences on practical ground.
Participant: (names) listed in no particular order
Leader:Huang Yijia
Director: Chen Jingjing
Member: Li Lu,Jiao Chenglu , Lu Xiao, Zhou Zhenhong, Li Hua
Leader:Liang Zhongwen
Director: Liang Zhongwen
Member: Wang Xiaodan, Wu Shanshan, Huang Hua, Yang Yanming, Xu Yang, Wang Zhongyu
Leader:Tan Zhihua
Director: Sheng Xi
Member: Xie Jingjing, Liang Qiao, Fu Jie, Fu Lei
Joy in
Leader:Liang Bing
Director: He Fang
Member: Liu Chunliang, Liu Jing, Zhang Yinzi, Yang Xu
Leader:Huang Minglan
Director: He Zhaoda
Member: Hu Tingting, Tan Zhengtang, Zhou Ning, Wang Linglong, Luo Qingyi, Zhu Jingzhi
五月 , 5th , 2009 -- 8 : 08 下午2009年4.18-28日,传播设计实验室季铁教授受意大利TVN(网络电视台)邀请,在米兰达芬奇国家科技博物馆参加了第三届国际数字娱乐节论坛和米兰设计周的系列活动,并分别做了“Communication&Innovation”和“TypoChina Future”两场主题演讲。
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